Fixing My 2012 Arctic Cat Wildcat 1000
Broken axle shaft & body panels.

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Pictures that Mike Stephens took of my Arctic Cat Wildcat flopping.
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This is where the passenger side body panel broke and driver fender.

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I broke my rear axle shaft on Godzilla at Bridgeport.

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Video wheelin up Godzilla.


I have allot of work to do on the Wildcat before Drive it in Drag it Out in two weeks.
Here are pictures of the work I did to repair it.

Replacing the rear axles with Rhino brand that are Heavy-Duty 4340 Chromoly Steel.

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Cleaning out the inside cab.

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Trying to fix the broken panels, made a template to cut some sheet metal and have that Bullet lined.

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Fixing the brakes, putting on EBC pads as I read they will not squeak as much.

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Dual USB port from eBay $12, eBay item number: 321712119734

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More to come......

We will see you at Drive it in Drag it Out - April 24-26
Had a great time and nothing broke on the Wildcat even though it as beat on hard.

Was clean on Thursday night, but it rained and got muddy fast.

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I paid $20 to get it cleaned well enough so I had less work to do myself.

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Also did some climbing on the rocks on Sunday, crazy how well this rig can climb with these tires.

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So here are the repairs that are needed, nothing broke over the weekend, but these item were are are close.

Going to be a long wrenching weekend, but this all needs to be done.


Copyright 2015 - Gary Sutton